Saturday, September 12, 2020

Being God's Child While the World Goes Crazy

I think it goes without saying that the world as we have known it has gone crazy.  I have seen a lot of crazy things in my 59 years but I have never seen anything remotely close to the things we see today. Division has always existed. Animosity too. 

What we see today is something that has no human solution ... in my opinion. People and people groups are literally making things up about other people and directly accusing them of what they make up. If the accused respond in their own defense, even the defense itself is used as so-called "evidence" that the accuser is correct in his/her/their accusation. 

These accusations have far exceeded those I have seen, experienced, or heard of before. In times past the accusation might be toward an individual or a group of people and, typically, there was at least some level of justification for the accusation; right or wrong. But no more. 

What we see now is a blanket indictment that covers every person of a certain race. They tell us that All of us are guilty AND we always have been. They say it is ingrained in every system of our culture. No defense works. No rational argument defuses the accusation. Any and all efforts at defense are screamed down and accompanied, sometimes, with threats of violence or actual violence. 

People today are being held accountable for not only their current "injustices" but also for the sins and injustices of people they may or may not have been related to some 100 to 400 years ago. Insanity! 

This post would be amazingly longer than it already will be if I write and comment in detail as to this earthly nightmare we are ALL currently living and experiencing. Trust me, I could write a literal tome on this current horrible reality. 

But I will resist the urge and keep these thoughts to myself; at least for now. 

2 Timothy 3: 1-5 is literally being played out before our very eyes.  

Since it seems that the accused can't fight the accuser in human ways (we battle not against flesh and blood), what are we as Christians to do? I don't have any advice for those who are being accused but are not a part of God's kingdom family (aka: born-again believers in Jesus Christ). 

The question that burns within me for believers these days is, "How can we be the children of God that Jesus wants us to be during these crazy and frightening times?" I think the following is in line with what God would have us do.

Recommit to Righteousness

I think our first response is to focus or REFOCUS on our own personal righteousness. Regardless of the craziness around us we all have an obligation to live righteously. I call on Christians (true born-again believers in Jesus Christ) of every race or ethnicity to recommit themselves to a life of righteousness for the glory of the Lord. 

Righteousness is the FIRST priority of a believer. Not scrolling through social media. Not obsessing over the horrors of the current day. Not bickering over politics. BUT seeking God's Kingdom and HIS righteousness. This means we are to live out God's standards in every area of our lives. Where do we find God's standards? In His Word, the Bible. It teaches us very directly how we are to live. No anger. No hatred. No violence. No worry. No fear. Faith. Trust. Hope. Service. Worship. Praise!

I truly believe that if every believer redirects his/her attention from the news of the day as a priority, and focuses primarily on God's kingdom purposes then we may be amazed at what God AND ONLY GOD can and will do through us.

Be Dedicated to Daily Devotion

For many of us our tendency is to wake up, grab our phone, and start watching videos, reading posts, and commenting on the things we see and read. I AM VERY GUILTY OF THIS. 

But for every true believe we should resist the urge to grab our phone and reach for our Bible instead. No, not a Bible app. A REAL paper and leather book called the Bible. Why not use the app? Because it is too easy to move over to social media; the very thing we want to avoid as the first stuff we read or see. 

Grab a Bible and read through some Psalms or perhaps a few chapters from the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). Reading Psalms will remind you of how God sustains His people in times of trouble and fear. Reading the gospels will remind us of the love of the Lord Jesus! What better way for a child of God to start any day! 

Find a quiet place. Choose your sections to read. Then read and relax in this beautiful time of devotion with the Lord. Be open to hear what God may say to you as you read and re-read these passages. He may tell you how He wants you to serve Him this day. He may bring someone to mind that you can reach out to and pray with or minister to. 

Be dedicated to daily devotion with the Lord BEFORE to look out into this world of hatred, pain, and despair.

Posture for Powerful Prayer to Know God's Will

I know that you pray. Most of us do. But so often our prayer is merely for God to heal a sick friend, find someone a job, give someone some peace, etc. Nothing wrong with that. 

But powerful prayer is a prayer that is not focused so much on us or the people we love. Powerful prayer is prayer that seeks the heart and will of God. In these days of uncertainty our desire should be to seek to know God's will for us. 

Jesus certainly knew what powerful, God-connecting prayer is. He prayed, "Not my will but Thy will be done!" He was so close to His Father that He knew what His Father wanted him to do. 

That should be our desire as well. To know what God wants us to do and how He wants us to respond in these dangerous times. He will show us through prayer and devotion.

Surrender to Selfless Service

There still remains a lot of needs to be met and pains to be served. My spiritual gift is teaching. So I teach. I teach in the pulpit, in Bible studies, through social media posts, through videos, and through whatever other means I can. I love serving the Lord through the gifts He has given me. 

When I am teaching I am not thinking about the skurge that has found its way into our country or around the world. Service keeps me focused on what God has given me to do.

I know people who serve tirelessly. They serve others and in ministries because they know it is what God has led them to do. 

If we engage in service during these desperate times then we will catch a glimpse of the eternal bliss that awaits all of us. Serving the Lord though the giftedness He gives you brings a peace that only you fully understand.

God-Honoring, Jesus-Focused Worship

Too often Christian people reverse the reality of true worship. They "shop" for a church THEY like and music THEY want to hear. It is important that you worship where you feel a connection. It is more important to attend a church that you believe God led you to join. 

You see, worship isn't about us. The worship center or sanctuary can make you think it is because there is a stage in front of you and people are on it singing, praying, and preaching. It is similar to most other "performance" centers where we go to be "entertained." 

But the reality is that in true worship it is God who is the audience. Our focus is solely and completely on Him. For that hour or so that you attend, whether in-person or online, your focus should be on Him. 

As you sing, sing to Him. As you pray, pray to Him. As you listen to teaching or preaching open your heart to His Word so that you can receive His Word so that you can use His Word for Him. 

For that one hour or so, tune out all else and focus solely on the Lord to honor Him in true heart-felt worship. Doing so will surely help you face this crazy world with more peace.  

I trust my thoughts have been helpful and encouraging to you. 


Tony Guthrie  

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