Wednesday, August 5, 2015

When Your World Seems to Crumble

when it rains it pours
You may be familiar with the expression, "when it rains, it pours." It has always meant that when a person experiences bad stuff in life, a lot more can easily follow. It is similar to Murphy's Law ... if anything can go wrong, it will. I understand these sad realities very well. I understand EXACTLY how it feels when the world seems to fall apart. In fact, I know how it feels when it actually DOES fall apart. Perhaps you feel as though your world is falling apart.

I have great news for you though: It really isn't. You may have some challenges that are bigger than you expected or needed. You may be asking, "What happened? Everything was so good but now everything is collapsing all around me." It isn't, it just seems that way.

A good friend reminded me the other day that he has been there. I remember talking to him when his world actually was falling apart. So, when we spoke a few days ago he said, "Tony, as you well know, I have been there. But now I am on the other side. You will see this through." I know he is right.

So, I wanted to share a few thoughts I have learned from my friend and from experience. When your world seems to crumble ...

Fight the Anger

For many of us, when things seem out of control, we get angry. This is the emotion I have seen the most in people when things go awry. I have seen other emotions like fear and depression. But anger seems more common. We may see the situation as the fault of some one or something else. We didn't do anything to cause the problem. So, our world seems to be crumbling because of something beyond our control. This can make us angry. Intensely.

Fight it. Fight it hard. Anger tends to do more damage to the one possessing it than the one receiving it. The more intense the anger, the more damaging it can be. Physical and emotional illness can result from it. Fight it. Fight it hard.

My mother taught me decades ago that two things never change a situation: anger and worry. These two things only make you sick. Fight it.

See the Possibilty of the Good

Yeah, I know. It's cliche'. Look for the good in the bad. Blah, blah, blah. I can just hear some of you arguing back at me: "You know Tony, that looking for the silver-lining stuff is meaningless psycho-babble."

when it rains it pours
Believe me, I get that. But do it anyway. Because as meaningless as it seems, it is actually beyond valuable. Looking for the good gives a sense of hope and allows you to realize that the situation is indeed only temporary. You WILL take something from it that allows you to benefit for years to come AND to help others with as well.

Pour Yourself into Creative Service for Others

As a pastor I have always told my congregants that there is always someone who has it worse than you do. I don't have the gift of mercy even though I can be merciful. But I have to reach down deep to do so. I have very little compassion for people with minor little ailments ... especially if they are always talking about them as if they are the sickest people in the world. This is because I have seen children die. There's nothing more painful. People with the gift of mercy will minister to people with these minor concerns, but I tell them to stop whining. I often say to them; "If you want to see sick, go to the childrens cancer ward at the hospital."

I bring this up to point out that there are always people whose worlds are crumbling so much more so than yours or mine. Find them and serve them. Pour your effort into helping a fellow human being. Find creative ways to bless them. Do what the Bible says: "Consider others more highly than yourself." (Philippians 2:3)

Giving yourself to blessing others takes the focus off of you and your situation. You will likely find that by giving yourself in service to others will lead to others serving and assisting you.

Sing Sing Sing

Music soothes the savage beast. How true. Music is emotional stuff. It can change your mood in an instant. Not focused on God right now? Pop in a praise and worship CD or listen on your dumbphone. Need a lift? Listen to your favorite tunes and sing along ... loudly.

Why? Because it will get your mind off of the burden for the moment and remind you of better days (that will return). I love soft rock of the 70s and 80s. The stuff today doesn't do it for me. I love the Eagles, Paul McCartney, REO Speedwagon, and yes, LOL, even the Bay City Rollers.

Let me leave you with this.

Does it get any better?

I hope this has been a blessing to you.

Tony Guthrie


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